Posts tagged nutrition
Why Everything You’re Told About Dieting Doesn’t Matter

Low-carb, low-fat, ketogenic, DASH, Mediterranean, Atkins, carb-cycling, fasting, intermittent fasting, the Zone, vegetarian, vegan, Weight Watchers, South Beach, Paleo, high-protein, I could go on and on. All these diets tell you what to eat or when to eat it. But, what if I told you that diets aren’t necessarily about what food you eat?

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Life Hack: Perfect Your Coffee Drinking

Over 80% of the US adult population consumes the divine nectar of the gods known as coffee. With good reason too, as coffee is freaking awesome. In fact, if you don’t like coffee, you are probably a communist (citation needed). So, coffee is awesome and all these people drink it, but what if everyone is drinking it wrong?

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